Ashok Dinda, who has represented India too, had the dubious distinction of equalling the worst performance in an IPL match when he bowled against Mumbai Indians for Pune Warriors. He gave away 63 runs in his quota of 4 overs being hit for 4 sixes and 5 boundaries. More surprising was the fact that why his Captain Angelo Mathews kept throwing the ball to him when he had other options too available.
IPL 2013: Schedule and Results
Dinda equalled the record of worst bowling figure in IPL earlier held by Varun Aaron giving away 63/0 for DD vs CSK in 2012. It was surprising that Mathews threw the ball for 3 different spells to Dinda, including the last over.
1st Spell
- Dinda bowled the 3rd over of innings to Tendulkar which bled for 17 runs that included a wide and 4 consecutive boundaries.
2nd Spell
- Then he bowled 15h and 17th over, despite being milked in every over. His best over was the 15th over in which Karthik and Sharma could score only 11 runs, and he created an opportunity too but Abhishek Nayar dropped Rohit Sharma.
In 17th over Rohit Shrma and Pollard milked 19 runs that included 2 sixes by Rohit.
3rd Spell
- Still he was given the last over that resulted into another 16 runs from Pollard and Rohit Sharma. Getting hit for two sixes again in the over.
4 of the 5 sixes of Rohit Sharma came of Dinda’s bowling, although he also got a reprieve on his bowling. Tendulkar had 4 boundaries of his first over. Karthik had a boundary too in 15th over.
The record would certainly haunt him. Still being a fighter probably the Bengal bowler can come out of it as a changed bowler. After all despite being hit for 6 sixes, Stuart Broad returned as a successful bowler.
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