While Dinesh Khanna still remains the only Indian to ever win Badminton Asian Championship, Saina Nehwal created Indian record by winning third Bronze medal moving ahead of Prakash Padukone and Sarojini Apte. Overall, Indians have won 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 14 Bronze medals in the championships that started in 1962. HS Prannoy became the 6th Indian to win medal in Badminton Asia Championships. Check the medal winners from India after Badminton Asia Championships 2018.
Medal Summary of Indians at Badminton Asia Championships
- 16 Medals: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 14 Bronze
6 Medals in Men’s Singles
4 Medals in Women’s Singles
2 Medals in Women’s Doubles
1 Medal each: Men’s Team, Women’s Team, Mixed Doubles, Men’s Doubles
2 Brothers won Bronze in Men’s Doubles of 1971
3 medals in 1965
2 medals each in 2014 and 2018
Medal Winners from India at Badminton Asia Championships
- 2018 Bronze Saina Nehwal and HS Prannoy
2016 Bronze Saina Nehwal
2014 Bronze PV Sindu, Ashwini Ponnappa / Jwala Gutta (Women’s Doubles)
2010 Bronze Saina Nehwal
2007 Bronze Anup Sridhar
2000 Bronze Pullela Gopichand
1983 Silver Men’s Team (Prakash Padukone, Syed Modi, Uday Pawar, Pradeep Gandhe and Partho Ganguli)
1976 Bronze Prakash Padukone
1971 Bronze Dipu Ghosh / Romen Ghosh (Men’s Doubles)
1965 Bronze Suresh Goel
1965 Bronze Women’s Team, Women’s Doubles (Meena Shah / Sarojini Apte), Mixed Doubles (Sarojini Apte and O Rancon)
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