The inaugural day of Indian Badminton League saw Delhi Smashers at home hosting the Pune Pistons. The first match of the tournament provided a major upset as Player of the Tie Sai Praneeth won. IBL will hope for more such upsets. Check the complete result.
Points Table
Indian Badminton League Facts
Teams and Players
Indian Badminton League: 24 Foreign Players from 10 Countries
Pune Pistons vs Delhi Smashers
- 1. Men’s singles: Sai Praneeth (DS) def Nyugen tien Minh (PP) 21-16, 21-20
2. Women’s singles: Juliane Schenk (PP) def Nichaon Jindapon (DS) 21-16, 21-6
3. Men’s Doubles: Boon Hoeng Tan/Kien Keat Koo (DS) def Rupesh Kumar/Sanave Thomas (PP) 21-13, 21-15
4. Men’s singles: Saurabh Verma (PP) def HS Prannoy (DS) 21-16,21-19, 11-05
5. Mixed Doubles: Ashwini Ponnappa/Joachiam Fischer (PP) def Jwala Gutta/Kien Keat Koo 21-19, 16-21, 11-3.
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